Ask anyone — freelancing is a risk. After all, starting a business is a risk, and that’s essentially what freelancing is. So if you’re hoping to make a career as a freelancer, it’s important to not be totally risk-averse.

I was thinking about this just lately, because in a lot of areas of my life I tend to be a very low-risk person. I don’t spend money on a lot because I worry that I won’t like or get use out of whatever it I buy. I don’t go with the daring new menu option when my usual order goes just fine.

So how am I comfortable in a career path that requires me to constantly take risks?

What it comes down to, for me, is risk vs. reward. At the end of the day, I don’t get that big of a reward from impulse buys (although, yes, I am guilty of that on occasion. I’m only human). I have a hard time believing that the payoff of a new order could be better than the satisfaction I get from an old favorite.

But getting to do what I love for a living? Meeting exciting, enthusiastic people who want help getting their stories told? Being able to find value in my career, and working in a setting that is comfortable to me?

That’s worth all the risk in the world.