Here’s something I’ve learned while building my freelance career — during really busy months, anything that isn’t related to my clients begins to feel nonessential. This includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Cleaning up desk clutter.
  2. Keeping track of personal records (income, expense, etc.)
  3. Dentist, doctor’s appointments, etc.
  4. Personal hygiene.
  5. Food.
  6. Any semblance of social interaction …

Obviously, this isn’t the best system.

I’m a more productive professional when my personal life is in check. The trick is to treat these non-essential tasks like essential tasks. I write them down in the same place that I write my essential tasks because if I don’t put them on my to-do list, they don’t get done.

I also try to get them out of the way early. If I try to save them until after I finish “important” work, the work often suffers because I have this other task hanging over my head.

Finally, I try to reward myself when I finally do that thing I’ve been putting off. Usually it’s with something simple, like treating myself to ice cream. But knowing that there’s a reward on the horizon makes things a little easier to get through.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to make a dentist appointment.